Friday, January 17, 2014

Prophetic Word for 2014

"No one pours new wine into old wine skins, if he does the new wine will be spilled and the skins destroyed."  Luke 5:37

It is a New Year filled with prophetic hope and promise. God's Kingdom is always advancing, His revelation increasing, "of the  increase of His government and of peace there will be no end."  Isaiah 9:7

It is time for His church to fully embrace the reality of His nature. He is a God of victory, momentum, increase and hope. The Father has given Jesus "all authority in heaven and on earth"; that means that the devil and the world have none.
Matthew 28:19

Late in 2013 the Holy Spirit began to speak to me about new wine and new wine skins. Jesus' teaching on new wine is found in 3 of the gospels and I was as familiar with these passages as most Christians are, but I knew that the Holy Spirit was challenging me to receive fresh insight. The Holy Spirit asked me a question, "How new does the wine skin need to be in order for it to hold the new wine of My Spirit?" The answer was obvious, "Every bit of it Lord."

I believe that 2014 will be a year when much new wine is being poured forth across our planet and it is imperative that His church change its skin. God is patient and He is always wooing us to greater openness to His Spirit but I have a very strong sense that a season is coming, and is now, when God will pour forth a new wine of His Spirit with such intensity that some skins will burst.

Over the past several years the church has experienced an amazing invitation from God to recognize and embrace the dynamic supernatural power of His Spirit. The form and nature of this invitation has often been handled in messy ways by some of the Father's children, but it is incumbent upon the church to recognize when a genuine move of God is at work despite how some people respond to it. There has never been an authentic move of God in church history that has not come along with a bit of mishandling in the flesh.

Sometimes we read the words of Jesus as suggestions and implications rather than statements of fact. I think Jesus was speaking with authority and truth when He said: "No one after drinking old wine wants the new, for he says, 'The old is good enough.' " (Luke 5:39) Surely it will seem to some that the way that the church has done business since the last great move of God is 'good enough'. Some will point to the wonderful things that God has done through the church over the past 50 years and claim their rightful reward to rest on that laurel, the Lord has indeed done incredible things through the many churches that were established in past revivals. 

However, Jesus emphatically said, "New wine must be poured into new wine skins."
Luke 5:38

The preparation of new wine skins begins with every individual. It's important for every leader in the church to lead the way, but the Holy Spirit is pressing upon my heart a very intense awareness that no matter how prepared a leader or his church is the new wine is being poured forth and it is up to each individual Christian to change his/her skin. 

I am grateful for God's grace and unconditional love. His mercy and love is beyond all comprehension, but He loves all of mankind with such an amazing intensity that He gave His only begotten Son, "that whosoever believes on Him will not perish but have everlasting life!"

The Father loves each of us unconditionally but His eye is upon all the nations of the earth. As a father I love all my children with an equal and unconditional love but sometimes I have had to make a decision that caused one or more of my kids to resist the change. When they were little they resisted with a bit of kicking and screaming. 

Just Sayin'

In His radical grace,

Radical Gospel Monday Night Continues! 
January 20th, 2014 @ 7pm in the upper-room of the Open Door Church in Petaluma.

Radical Gospel ministries has a class on the supernatural gifts and ministry of the Holy Spirit.* The class will be focused on instruction and impartation in the prophetic and healing gifts of the Spirit. Our emphasis is always on equipping and training individuals to be supernatural ministers of the amazing authority that God delegated to His people.

As always, Radical Gospel's assignment is mandated to equip every saint from any church in our region in the supernatural. Thus this class is open to any believer who desires to increase in their gifts and be used of the Lord in the astonishing revival that is taking place on the planet.

The time is NOW, don't miss this opportunity to be built up and strengthened in the complete access that YOU have to the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit. Classes will contain very practical stretching and use of gifts in a safe environment. We expect to learn by making mistakes as well as success. This is a chance to develop your own new wine skin and be ready to receive the new wine that is being poured forth by the Spirit of the Lord.

Ray LeBlond is the primary instructor of this class; we intend to bring in guest speakers who are walking in signs and wonders. Exposure to the ordinary people who God uses in the supernatural is as important to building faith as is our own hunger to move in the gifts.

Radical Gospel Ministries exist as an independent ministry. This class is not underwritten by any individual church**. We are making this class available at no cost because we believe  that our reward is in seeing Christians come alive in their gifts, callings and destiny! The time is now for the destiny on Sonoma County  to come to its fulness! The saints of God must be equipped!

An offering will be taken each night to give an opportunity for anyone to support the ministry as they can afford it.

*(The class is scheduled for 6-10 weeks but will remain open-ended as the Spirit leads). The class is open, you do not need to attend each class nor have started at the beginning.
**(Radical Gospel Ministries is grateful to the Open Door Church in Petaluma for hosting this class). 

Sunday, September 30, 2012

You have more power than you think

When the world around us appears to be in upheaval we are mandated by His Word to turn to Him in faith and in prayer. We remove our focus from the things of the world and fix our eyes upon Jesus. We shift our gaze off the problem and look to the One who has the answers and IS the answer.

When things get really bleak it is more challenging to do this but the Word of God does not seem to offer alternative methods. Our temptation has always been to take matters into our own hands and use the world's methods to solve the world's problems. It seems like we know how to fix things in the flesh and when troubles come we want to fix them any way we can. 

Christians tend to feel powerless when answers don't come as fast as we would like. This always increases the tension we feel, we can become frustrated and even angry when things are not going the direction that we believe they should be going. We can even feel justified to take matters into our own hands. But anger and offense do not contain the power of God's Spirit, outrage is a fleshly emotion which can actually limit our ability to see things from heaven's perspective.

Bill Johnson says "if we use the world's methods to fight the world's battles we will lose because the devil is better at them than we are." This might actually explain a lot. 
One of the reasons that I spend a lot of time teaching the supernatural is because the supernatural is God's realm. We have greater power and authority than we believe. The church, God's people, holds the answers to the world's problems but these answers are contained within His 'ways', in the Spirit and not in the flesh. 

We have not yet begun to realize how much authority we have in the Spirit. Paul wrote to Timothy, "First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all men, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, godly and respectable in every way. This is good, and it is acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come into the knowledge of the truth." 
I would like to suggest that we haven't pushed this authority to its full power. Paul is more than implying that our prayers and intercessions work, he is urging God's people to pray with thanksgiving for kings and all in high position, Paul is saying that this is God's way for us to end up living quiet and peaceable lives and His 'ways' are what are  good and acceptable in the sight of God. Is it possible that the church is angry and frustrated because they keep trying the world's methods to transform culture and our culture doesn't seem to be responding. I could go on to suggest that we have not fully understood or tried God's 'ways'. Perhaps we have not fully taken hold of the power that is by faith? Perhaps the church has not apprehended the full extent of the spiritual authority that Jesus has released to His people. 

Jesus said "all authority in heaven and on earth has been given unto Me", that means: ALL authority, which implies that the devil has none, the world has none and the 'kings' of this world have none. Jesus then went on to commission us with His spiritual authority, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations." I would like to suggest that He has released His authority to His Body, His people, and our power rests in the spiritual realm and not in the methods of man.  (see*below)

You have more power than you think!  

In His radical grace,

p.s.  An important note:

Radical Gospel Ministries suspended our meetings in Petaluma for a season and that season is coming to an end. However, during this transitional time we have been listening intently to the Holy Spirit and He has been speaking clearly. God has further revealed and confirmed Radical Gospel's assignment in this region. Our focus and our reason for existence is to be a blessing and encouragement to the church, the Body of Christ in this 'city'. We were mandated to equip the Body of Christ in supernatural ministry and to become the powerful people of God that we were intended to become. We were mandated to shift the atmosphere of our region with the Presence and the power of the Spirit through worship, prayer and the preaching of His Word!

The Holy Spirit has revealed that the center of our Metron is Santa Rosa and we are actively praying for and seeking a venue in Santa Rosa to 'house' Radical Gospel's meetings. 

It is our vision and our mission to hold more than one meeting. We envision a place where classes can be held for instruction and impartation of all aspects of supernatural ministry. We have joined forces with the vision of the Encounter Movement (college & youth emphasis) and they have come under the mantle of Radical Gospel Ministries. We require a venue where their meetings can be held too. This would include ongoing small discipleship meetings and classes.

We envision a place that is not just about Radical Gospel but a 'Revival Center' where the representation of the Body of Christ, the church (churches) of this 'city' are working together to equip God's people to transform our culture, our city and our world by the supernatural power of the Spirit.
We need your help...this is not a mild request for money, prayers or support...this is an urging to catch a vision for this city and region. Your response, your feedback, your ideas are more than welcome, we earnestly desire and covet your input. 
Let's do this thing! 

*P.S.S. By no means am I advocating that God's people should not be politically active, vote according to Christian values and be fully engaged in the privilege we have as American citizens to express our opinions. It is our right and our responsibility! My concern is that God's people have lost sight of where their real power lies and have become frightened and angry. It is the responsibility of leadership in the church to point people to the source of their authority. If we stir up fear or anger to motivate God's people it actually renders them powerless. Whenever you feel angry or fearful it is a good sign that you've lost sight of the Kingdom.  
 'Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.'Isaiah 26:3

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Prophetic word

To the Church in Santa Rosa,

I am devoting my weekly email to a prophetic word for our region which has been forming for many years. The accuracy of its 'unfolding' can be confirmed by the people I mention in this letter, the people of God and the leaders in this city.

I moved to Sonoma County exactly 40 years ago and became a Christian shortly after. My spiritual journey has been intertwined with the history of the church in this city beginning with my salvation and baptism in the largest church north of the Golden Gate Bridge at the time, in a building which is now known as the Wells Fargo Center.

After the sad demise of that incredible center of faith, that great equipping and a sending ministry, my journey took me throughout the the churches in the region. It has been a long road which has been traveled by many other people in this city. 

I am not alone in having been a part of the unique and rather intricate intertwining of relationships that have formed over the years in this city. It is an odd dynamic of the church in the city itself: we all know each other, we all see each other in churches all over the area. The incredible complexity of family and relationships within this city's churches must be taken into account by any leader who desires to accomplish anything for God in Sonoma County. There is a Body of Christ, a hungry people, a unity in the Spirit, a collective memory and a desire for the restoration and recovery of a dream. I would call us 'the remnant' and we believe that "God's gifts and callings are irrevocable" (Rom.11:29)
We possess the anointing & inheritance of this city within our very DNA.

Approximately  five years ago a prophetic vision for this city began to form as I engaged with the leaders and other friends who were able to see the 'big picture' of what God is doing in our city. These men and women had grown to understand a culture of honor and to conceive of an unprecedented unity which would require
any leader or any church to think out-of-the-box of traditional ecumenical unity. There would be a unity of the Spirit and a bond of peace which tapped deep into the ancient wells of God's calling on the city of Santa Rosa.

As I met with leaders and friends I heard the same 'word', I saw the same picture forming, the same vision being articulated through us in various forms. We saw a forerunner city, a church without walls, a people of God who shared a common purpose to restore the greatness of the call of God on the city of Santa Rosa.
Almost all of us saw our city as a center for revival where God's people were united under the banner of love. Each of them agreed that no single church, no one leader would again be lifted up to a such a place of prominence that his or her possible failure could disappoint or destroy the vision again. Rather there would be a great cooperation between leaders and God's people wherein Santa Rosa would become a 'testimony city' that says "do it again Lord."
A forerunner example of the Kingdom of God.

We would have a church where the passion for His Kingdom would center on knowing His ways. Where the children of God were united in the conviction that His Kingdom was not a political power nor a moral majority but a people of God walking in love towards each other while viewing the pre-Christian people in our city as ones created in His image, not as the enemy but as ones who need an encounter with Jesus in all His mercy and grace.

It would require His children to rise above their doctrinal distinctions and lay aside their personal agendas while walking in the Spirit in order to bring heaven to earth. A people along with their leadership who would be empowered by the Spirit to cooperate with the fulfillment of each others destinies, to call out the gold in each other, to use the ways of God's supernatural mystery to prophetically declare and release His promise over our city. To walk in honor towards the pre-Christian people in our region, not in an 'honor' that condones their sin, rather the honor
that recognizes each person as created in the image of God and that remembers that His blood is all that cleanses us from our own unrighteousness before a Holy God.


As Jan and I sat with 70 leaders on August 30th in the 'Church of the One Tree' we became aware of the incredible prophetic picture being formed. God was indeed speaking through this event. As these leaders listened carefully to Mario Murrilo's inspirational speech and during the brief time of prayer, we looked around at the inside of the church of the One Tree. Stained glass windows depicting redwoods were on each wall and above the altar, a prophetic image began to form. We live in the Redwood Empire and right here in the middle of this region is built a church made from the wood of a single felled redwood tree. 

This alone held a great sense of prophetic symbolism.
I began to wonder which part was more important, would we consider the roof or ceiling as more important?  The foundation of the floors?  The walls or the beams and buttresses which hold everything in place? Each part made from the same tree....was this not a perfect picture of His Body? 

Isn't this the perfect picture of God's word and promise over the church in Santa Rosa? 

"In Him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord." Eph 2:21
"From Him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament,
grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work." Eph 4:16

Many of my friends agreed that when God looks down upon a city He does not see many churches, rather He sees His Body, His Church. Just as John was told to prophesy to the city churches in Revelation we saw a picture of how God views regions and cities. We began to see how God has strategically placed leaders
in this city who are anointed with what we call the 'five fold' or ascendant gifts. We could clearly see that God has laid a foundation for true unity....for a Book of Acts city church, it became even clearer that it would require unprecedented cooperation and unity. It wouldn't matter that we had different church 'houses'
where unique expressions of worship and teaching made us feel more at home, we could still live next to each other and build a city together where friendship and a common culture and language knit us in the ways of His Kingdom. An atmosphere of the Spirit, a people with One Father, a church with One head, Jesus.

THE 'REDWOOD' PROPHETIC WORD  began to intensify in my spirit...the Holy Spirit making it as clear as any word I've ever received.
From many of the things that Mario Murrilo has said in his meetings here in Santa Rosa I believe that he is aware that he has stepped into a powerful apostolic Metron. I am not quite sure yet if he fully realizes all that God has said and is doing in this region but I am convinced that he is hearing the Holy Spirit in some measure. I have taught on the supernatural prophetic gift for many years and I know that we all see through our own paradigms and thus it requires each of us to test every word (Mario's & this word I am submitting to the Body of Christ in this city) filter and to 'hear' with spiritual ears what God is saying. As I listen to Mario Murillo I can discern that he is hearing some of the things that I first heard five years ago from the men and women who have labored to build a foundation in this city. 

That foundation is not unlike a grove of REDWOOD TREES.

The redwood forest is the greatest prophetic picture for our region and for this city.
Jan pulled out the notes she took when she walked through Armstrong Woods as she read each information sign carefully placed along the trail:
"The root system of the redwood tree is surprisingly shallow, especially given the great height the mature tree attains. There is no tap root and the other roots may reach no deeper than 6-12 feet. The major roots are about 1 inch in diameter,
and they typically spread 50 to 80 feet. One way in which the trees are able to remain upright for millennia is by growing close together with other redwood trees, intermingling root systems."

The prophetic picture of our leaders the people in our churches as a 'redwood forest' formed in my spirit even as I reviewed the frequent use of the redwood, and the church built from one redwood, as a central prophetic illustration used in the 'fire' meetings. It is a well known fact how amazing the events and prophetic indicators were that led up to the gathering in the church built from one redwood tree. I fully agree that the meeting held on August 30th held intense prophetic implications.

I realize that Mario Murillo is an evangelist with a evangelistic crusade style of ministry. There is a place in the God's strategy for these types of ministry, they are usually temporary. I have not been to all of Mario's meetings so I am not clear if his personal intention is to stay in Santa Rosa, I do trust that he is listening carefully as he moves ahead, I know that the leading of the Spirit can change as we get a greater sense of what God is saying.
I am not sure if Mario intends to stay in our city for any length of time, he sometimes appears to indicate that each week may be his last. Even if he is here temporarily he should to be aware of the unique dynamic of the church that exists in the city of Santa Rosa.

But if Mario Murillo would be led to stay for any length of time he would be a young redwood in this city,he would need to spread out his roots and link with the deep and established roots of the trees which have united already in an existing unity and in the prophetic grove of churches in this city. He would especially need to wrap his roots around the giant redwoods that exist in this region. 

I call these the 'Apostle trees'.
Yes, Sonoma County is an apostolic Metron. It is not a city of pastors who consider ecumenical unity as simply doing a Easter sunrise service once a year, it is a Metron as I wrote of in the first section of this incredibly complex and intertwined network of people who have known each other for many years and who see each other at events and churches, who share family connections, who share history and hold a deep and profound hope for our city. And it is a 'city' with several Apostles who exist in the spiritual realm and may not be seen if we measure by worldly standards or church size. But believe me, they do exist.
Any evangelist would especially need to link his roots with the apostle to be effective in his gifts in this city.

This city has great leaders who may be businessmen or women, church pastors or ministry leaders, this city has prophets and worship leaders, teachers and evangelists who may be hidden in a sense. The people of God, the Christians in this region, are an amazing & eclectic group of people. They have a startling maturity which may be due precisely to a collective experience in faith. They are so hungry for God's Kingdom that they readily open their hearts to receive but they have long ago moved beyond naivety. They are hungry for authentic Christianity.

Greatness lies within the destiny of this city and it is imperative for God's people in this region to see in the Spirit and recognize its incredible destiny....a destiny which God has been laying the foundation of for many, many years. Mario Murillo has not stepped into a 'dead church' city, rather this city is alive with an incredible legacy of revival which has touched down in many places. Some of the atmospheres of revival that I have personally experienced in this region are too extraordinary to report in a few words but I will say this: we have been a city in revival for many years and Mario Murillo has also stepped into this dynamic authority, like any of us he has an anointing of his own but as he has also stepped into the anointing which is on our region.
(I might liken it to the authority for revival which I stepped into when I was in Brazil with Randy Clark
and Pastor Carter Wood of Vertical Call).
[See my blog dated: Oct. 12, 2009 'Carter Wood's Promotion'.]
It is an authority and anointing which already exists in our DNA and heritage.

I could never express in words my excitement and anticipation in this season we are now in....I sense a great breakthrough into things that many have longed for but may not 'look' exactly like they have imagined. It requires all of His people to pay attention, to not check their brains at the be open to transition. And to recognize the very thing that Mario Murillo seems to sense in his heart and say so often: that this 'fire' cannot be contained by one church but will spread to many churches. Mario seems to clearly understand this as he frequently declares that this is not about Mario Murillo. I honor him for this spiritual insight more than any I have heard from his lips. In an expression of his humility he consistently insists that he is only one man.

I will speak now in 'my opinion' only; my sense of this prophetic picture is that Mario Murillo is a catalyst from God to stir and light a fire. The things that are happening in and around the meetings are far beyond what the evangelist could possibly understand. I mean no disrespect...he is an amazingly gifted man and I honor his mantle...but it would be impossible for one man to enter this city and clearly see what God has already done and is doing behind the scenes. I am truly grateful to him and to the Holy Spirit for his dedication and zeal...but as I listen to him, and as I am intimately involved with and surrounded by the collateral issues
that these meetings have produced, I am keenly aware that Mario Murillo has stepped into a Metron that requires him to pay close attention and seek the counsel and wisdom of many people in this city as he goes forward.
He has entered The Redwood Empire.  

In His radical grace,

For more prophetic insights of your own I would encourage you to read this short description of the incredible REDWOOD, especially the section devoted to how 'fire' can be a benefit to redwoods.

Radical Gospel is in transition...there are many things stirring in my spirit as the Holy Spirit uses the events in Santa Rosa to bring clarity and focus to this ministry. Our purpose, our vision, our core values and our destiny have been truly provoked by the Lord in every good way. It would take a long letter to express what the Lord has revealed to me in the Spirit since we first suspended the Monday night in Petaluma in order to support what the Lord was doing through the meetings there. One thing is clear to me....I have sensed for a long time that Santa Rosa is the center of this Metron and my center as well.

I ask for your prayers and continued financial support during this amazing season of vision and mission definition.
All tax deductible support can be sent to:

Saturday, September 1, 2012


In John 18 Pilate asked Jesus a question, "Are you the King of the Jews?", Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting...But my kingdom is not of this world.”

Until Jesus was resurrected His own disciples still thought that Jesus would usher in an earthly kingdom. They fully expected that the Messiah meant a 'deliverer' from Roman rule who, with His followers, would establish a new and ascendant authority to the nation of Israel.  When the mother of John and James came to Jesus and asked if they could sit on His right and left when He came into His kingdom she wasn't thinking about heaven, she was picturing a castle in Jerusalem with three thrones. I'll bet she was also thinking of herself having a little influence considering how her sons seemed to be attached to her apron strings. 

After the resurrection and their baptism of fire the disciples turned the world upside down (Acts 17:6).
They did this by preaching a gospel in a way that was entirely contrary to the methods of man, the ways of this world.

Bill Johnson has often said that if we use the world's methods to fight this world's battles we will lose because the devil is better at it than we are.
Very often in the scriptures it is noted that Jesus and His disciples went about preaching the 'gospel of the Kingdom'. It wasn't until after He ascended that His disciples fully understood the things He taught them about His Kingdom while He was with them here in this realm of this world.
In John chapter 7 Jesus said a few words that would not have made sense to those closest to Him at that moment:

"When the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles was near, Jesus’ brothers said to Him, 'You ought to leave here and go to Judea, so that your disciples may see the miracles you do. No one who wants to become a public figure acts in secret. Since you are doing these things, show yourself to the world.' For even His own brothers did not believe in Him. Therefore Jesus told them, 'My time has not yet come but your time is always here. The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me because My life bears witness that its ways are evil."

It often appears like Jesus never gave a straight answer but we now know that He always gave the right answer to the real question. Here in these verses Jesus is answering the problem with the way His own brothers were thinking. John points out that His own brothers didn't see Him for who he was, but the greater problem was in the way they thought Jesus should go about the business of getting His message across.
"Draw attention to yourself, use this world's methods, use this world's ways!"

Jesus answered them that the world won't hate them if they use those methods, and He wasn't talking about the pagan world they lived in, Jesus was talking about the religious system of the day which used the same methods of man, the things that make sense to the natural mind. In my paraphrase He told them, "You can always do it that way, these methods are always available to you and the Jews won't hate you for using them because they make perfect sense."

But Jesus knew that His ways would even offend God's own people because His ways testified to them that they were doing things in the same way and with the same methods that men use, the ways and methods which are never the ways of His Kingdom.

I've been reading Kris Vallotton's book "Heavy Rain', it's a book on cultural transformation. I would recommend it highly right now. We're in an election year, if the things posted on Facebook by a few Christian friends are any indication of how some parts of the church might go about transforming our nation I am concerned.

When Jesus said "My time has not yet come" I wonder what time He was referring too? Was He saying that a time was soon coming when God's 'ways' would be demonstrated in the ultimate expression of His Kingdom? A way which confused His own disciples, confounded God's chosen people and forever dis-empowered the king of this world by coming against his world's ways with the most radical expression of an opposite spirit?

Was He speaking of that moment when God's own people would manipulate an earthly kingdom to utilize their most insidious methods to destroy Him? At the very moment when God's chosen nation came into agreement with the wicked world's ways, He raised no battle cry, no rallying of His troops...not even a crying out at the injustice of it all.

Instead He took up His cross, laid down His life and died for all their sins so that from that time & forever, "Whosoever would believe in Him would not perish but have eternal life."

In His radical grace,

Radical Gospel Ministries is still in full function as we pray for God's leading during this season of transition. Intercession is a focus but we continue to minister in the other multiple ways which leadership requires. Of course you realize that the time we spend on Monday night is only a fraction of hours in a week of full steam ministry.

We covet your prayers for us and for Radical Gospel. As I have noted in prior blogs and emails the meetings in Santa Rosa are stirring up a lot of things in the Spiritual realm, this always comes along with any move of the Holy Spirit. As for myself and my own sphere of influence I am experiencing more of the inevitable challenges and questions that arise. When I say that I covet your prayers I am not kidding, it is intense & I am busier than I have ever been.

When the Lord first spoke to me about paying attention to the meetings in Santa Rosa I received a picture of a 'bomb' being dropped on our city. I knew it was the right bomb at the right moment because it would shake up a few things which were stuck as well as bring things into alignment which needed to be aligned. I knew that we would see a bit of chaos before we saw the alignment, I knew we would experience a bit of pain along with it too. Just like when I've prayed for a spinal injury to be healed I often asked the Lord why there is pain when the Holy Spirit cracks it back into alignment. He showed me that this is a picture of what's done in the Spirit during any re-alignment.

I am aware of the blessings that are coming forth through the wonderful manifestations of healing, words of knowledge and the people who are receiving Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, but I'm sure that the evangelist himself is experienced enough in the Spirit to know that there is more going on in the room than these. It is not hyperbole or exaggeration to say that the 'room' is more than the building where the meetings are being held, the greater 'room' is our city and our region.
The impact of these meetings is creating a big stir.

Along with the 'stir' there are things happening which even the evangelist could not possibly be aware of nor would he intend. These are the collateral issues that no one could predict but should expect. How could I ever report what is happening or how seriously involved I am in the mix? 
With the relationships that I have in this city after 38 years of my journey of faith I can only hint to you of the impact. This is a call for serious intercession from any prayer warrior in this region.

There will be a time when I'll be able to write more specifically as the Holy Spirit brings greater clarity and releases me....but for now I will only call for intercession. Pray for every leader and church in the region. Pray especially for the Apostles in our city. Pray for the evangelist, pray for the host church, pray for the people who are attending, pray for the Christian community, pray for the people who live in this area to whom we owe an encounter with Jesus.

Radical Gospel needs your financial help now more than ever too. I fully expect the Lord to release me to make an announcement soon which will make sense to anyone who has tracked with Radical Gospel and myself for any length of time.

All tax deductible support can be sent to:
KENWOOD, CA 95452 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

To the church in Santa Rosa, Revival Report.


One of the unique privileges that the Lord has honored me with is the many intertwined and significant relationships with leaders, churches and people in our region. I spend a great deal of time corresponding or meeting with Christians & leaders in this city. My personal history with the church in Santa Rosa is an interesting journey, the number of relationships that God has given me allow a 'big picture' prophetic view of what God is doing and saying.
It also has curiously placed me in a position where I receive a lot of feedback and many questions.

Many of the questions that I am receiving recently are about the revival meetings in Santa Rosa.Some of these questions are about the prophetic words that are coming forth regarding the DNA and destiny that is on the city of Santa Rosa and many are about the message and methods of the evangelist who is leading these meetings.

I will write a Blog soon about the history & destiny on Santa Rosa but right now I will simply say that I am excited because I am hearing and sensing things in the Spirit that ring true, there is an incredible destiny on Santa Rosa and I know that God's gifts and callings are irrevocable.
This city has a
'splendidus fatum', magnificent destiny.

In this email I want to address the second most frequent questions regarding some parts of the message and methods of the evangelist who God is using to stir revival in our region: We are a mature church in this city, most of us have been exposed to many significant men and women of God who have come to our churches here. We have all seen incredible workers of miracles and have sat under the teachings of some of God's most anointed leaders. We have heard varied messages through these leaders who have come, their core values and doctrines are frequently so different that they require discernment on our part. 

We have also observed that miracle workers each have a unique style and method.
We also have seen revival in our own churches, we have experienced astonishing atmospheres of revival at many of the churches & ministries in our region.
And it is very important to remember to honor the leaders in our city who are themselves gifted in extraordinary ways.

At our classes at Radical Gospel we often discussed how the Lord uses individuals in all their uniqueness in order for the church to realize that we are a Body with differing gifts which actually force us to do two things:
# 1; to live without judgement because God has poured forth His Spirit without measure, His grace has made the realm of the Spirit accessible to all who believe, "signs will follow all who believe", & # 2; differing gifts force the Body to depend upon one another.

The most important thing to remember is that we do not need to 'check our brains at the door'.
Paul wrote his final instructions to a church in 1st Thessalonians 5:12-22:

Now we ask you, brothers, to respect those who work hard among you, who are over you in the Lord and who admonish you.
Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other....

Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
Do not put out the Spirit’s fire; do not treat prophecies with contempt, but test everything.
Hold on to the good.
Avoid the bad

 At Bethel's School of Supernatural Ministry the students are told during the introduction week that they will be exposed to many various leaders and miracle workers during their two years of classes. They are encouraged to use their heads, ask questions and learn. But everything is done in a culture of honor and openness, in a culture of the Kingdom which embraces learning in an atmosphere where the goodness of God and grace without self-righteousness is paramount. They have a simple phrase which might be a paraphrase of Paul's words to the
Thessalonians, "eat the meat, spit out the bones".

Dear Saints in Santa Rosa, we are living in incredible times. The stirring of the Spirit in our region is going to have a significant impact on all of us. God's church here is in a season of transition. There is an old adage that every military leader has known since the first battle, "an army is the most vulnerable at the
crossing of a river".
Wisdom, discernment along with a lot of intercession is needed right now.

I bless you all in Jesus' Name,

In His radical grace,

All tax deductible giving can be sent to Radical Gospel Ministries
                                                                           2804 Bristol Rd.
                                                                           Kenwood, CA 95452